The Resurrection of Jesus: Part II

April 3, 2016 Preacher: Series: The Passion of the Christ in the Gospel of John

Scripture: John 21:1–19

Key Truth: The resurrection of Jesus is for our restoration to God and His mission.




Q: How would you expect Jesus to treat you after you have rejected him publicly?


Children, Do You Have Any Fish? Cast the Net on the Right Side:

John 21:1-7

“The Word became flesh in order to reveal a very human life rooted in the earth, in culture, in faith and in loving relationships. Now, after the resurrection, we are back in Galilee in this simple life of togetherness and work. Why does the evangelist choose to tell this simple, touching story? As I read the Gospel of John again and again, I believe that he is telling us about the presence of the risen Jesus in our ordinary lives. The evangelist wants us to remember that Jesus meets us wherever we are. We not have to do extraordinary things, but to love and serve others in the name of the risen Jesus."

Jean Vanier, Drawn Into the Mystery of Jesus Through the Gospel of John

Q: Do you expect to see Christ at work in ordinary things like work and even your failures?


Come and Have Breakfast:

John 21:8-14

“Only as the disciples bring fish that have just been caught does the meal prepared by Jesus achieve its full significance. Jesus makes the usual meal of bread and fish, which the disciples have so often shared with him, into a resurrection meal, not only by sitting down with them as the Risen One, but also by involving them in it as those who share in his resurrection power and as those who will continue his work on earth.”

Herman Ridderbos, The Gospel of John: A Theological Commentary

Q: What are some ways in which Jesus has invited you into the work that He is doing daily?


Do You Love Me? Feed My Sheep:

John 21:15-19

“(Christ’s command) was meant to teach Peter and the whole Church the mighty lesson, that usefulness to others is the grand test of love, and working for Christ the great proof of really loving Christ. It is not loud talk and high profession; it is not even impetuous, spasmodic zeal, and readiness to draw the sword and fight,- it is steady, patient, laborious effort to do good to Christ’s sheep scattered throughout this sinful world, which is the best evidence of being a true-hearted disciple. This is the real secret of Christian greatness.”

J.C. Ryles, Expository Thoughts on the Gospel of John

Q: How has Christ restored you so that you don’t have to live in shame and can serve the glory of God?


John 21:1-19 teaches us that Jesus in His resurrection:

-shows up in our ordinary lives including our failures

-invites us to participate in His ordinary work

-restores us to God and to His mission



1 Corinthians 15:56-58

More in The Passion of the Christ in the Gospel of John

March 27, 2016

The Resurrection of Jesus: Part 1

March 20, 2016

The Crucifixion of the King: It is Finished

March 13, 2016

The Arrest of Jesus in the Garden