October 31, 2016
Weekly Confession
Gracious and Merciful Father,
We come before you to confess our sin as Your redeemed and beloved children. May Your Spirit alone convict us of our sin and remind us of our pardon in Christ through repentance.
We confess that we fail to see Your truth unfolding in historical events (Daniel 11:1-20).
We confess that we can be easily carried away by flattery and false pr...
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October 28, 2016
Dear Family at Christ Community,
This coming Sunday we will have the chance to taste and see yet again that the Lord is good as we come to the Lord's Table! As we handle and taste the broken bread, we will be reminded of our total, life-changing forgiveness through Christ's broken body. As we hold and drink the offered cup, we remember our newness of life in the New Cov...
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October 25, 2016
Weekly Confession
Gracious and Merciful Father,
We come before you to confess our sin as Your redeemed and beloved children. May Your Spirit alone convict us of our sin and remind us of our pardon in Christ through repentance.
We confess that we fail to mourn the sin that separates Your people from You (Daniel 10:1-3).
We confess that we often don't have the eyes to see where You...
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October 19, 2016
Dear Baptized Ones,
This Sunday we will witness the baptism of Emilee Story by profession of faith as she joins our family here at Christ Community. She is a student at Kennesaw State University and part of RUF. Wes Calton, TE, will have the privilege of baptizing her as evidence of the fruit of his faithful service in her life through RUF at KSU.
We have the opp...
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October 18, 2016
Weekly Confession
Gracious and Merciful Father,
We come before you to confess our sin as Your redeemed and beloved children. May Your Spirit alone convict us of our sin and remind us of our pardon in Christ through repentance.
We confess that we are not moved to prayer by Your Word (Daniel 9:1-3).
We confess that we fail to invoke Your attributes and confess our sin based on a true k...
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October 13, 2016
Dear Family at Christ Community,
We have the privilege this Sunday to celebrate yet again the victory of Christ over sin and death as we come to the Lord's Table. The truths signified in the broken bread and cup of the new covenant should be particularly comforting to us given the weight of the prophecies from Daniel 7 last Sunday and Daniel 8 this Lord's Day Sabbath....
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October 11, 2016
Weekly Confession
Gracious and Merciful Father,
We come before you to confess our sin as Your redeemed and beloved children. May Your Spirit alone convict us of our sin and remind us of our pardon in Christ through repentance. We confess that we fail to recognize Your sovereign and faithful hand at work in the events of history (Daniel 8:1-9).
We confess that we are easily discouraged whe...
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October 3, 2016
Gracious and Merciful Father,
We come before you to confess our sin as Your redeemed and beloved children. May Your Spirit alone convict us of our sin and remind us of our pardon in Christ through repentance.
We confess that we fail to trust in Your unchanging sovereignty and faithfulness as kings and kingdoms rise and fall (Daniel 7:1-12).
We confess that we don't live...
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