Baptism Letter: March 12th

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Dear Baptized Ones,

     This Sunday we will have the privilege of witnessing the baptism of Beau Riley. It will be a joy to see Beau receive this sign and seal of God’s promise to wash him clean of his sin and give him an eternal inheritance in Christ alone by faith alone. This baptism will not save Beau, but it will witness to him throughout his days of the Gospel, of the privilege that it is to be raised in the household of faith, and of the invitation he has been given to make Christ his own the more he sees and understands the riches of His grace.

     Beau’s baptism is also an opportunity for us to reflect on the serious and joyful responsibility we share as the family of God to witness to Beau and to the next generation of the abundant life that is only possible in Christ. When we remember this responsibility, we at once see our need to improve upon our own baptisms by remembering the story baptism tells about each of us.

     Our sermon text from John 18:15-27 will remind us of this too. In these verses, we will see Peter’s terrible three-fold denial of Jesus at a moment when his witness might have been costly. But we will also see Jesus’ faithful witness to the Truth at a moment when the infinite cost of His witness was nearest. Jesus’ faithfulness meant the Peter’s failure was not ultimately determinative of his ability to receive and witness to God’s mercy and grace. That means that in Christ there is hope for us too, and baptism is God’s sign and seal upon us that we have such a hope in Him.

     So, let’s determine to improve upon our baptisms this Sunday by meditating on the story that it tells about each of us. Let’s come ready to celebrate with Beau and his family as faithful witnesses to the forgiveness and restoration we have in Christ as signified and sealed in baptism. The Lord is so kind to give us this visible sign of His grace. May He help all of us to rejoice in it!

In Christ,