Baptism Letter: January 5th

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Dear Baptized Ones,

     What a joy to have the opportunity to celebrate the sacrament of baptism along with the O’Sullivan family on the first Sunday of 2025! This offers us the great gift of being reminded of our union with Christ as signified in our baptisms and realized through God’s gracious provision of faith as we start a new year. We will baptize Dorothy Wren O’Sullivan as part of our worship service on Sunday to help remind us of this. Her baptism will serve as a beautiful picture of the truth proclaimed in Mark 5:21-43 that Jesus is the Lord of Healing.  We must remember that Jesus heals and delivers from death for the greater purpose of restoring us not just to this life but to eternal life in Him. William L. Lane expresses this in his comments on the passage in The Gospel According to Mark:

The resuscitation of Jarius’ daughter is both a deed of compassion and a pledge of the conquering power of Jesus over the combined forces of death and unbelief, in which the Kingdom of God was disclosed as a saving reality. It is precisely in deliverance from death that the salvation which Jesus brings finds its most pointed expression.


     In Christ, we’ve been delivered from death to an eternal life of abundance as more than conquerors! As we receive the gift of a new year with this reminder, let’s consider how we might live over this next year that helps this truth take deeper root in our souls and be incarnated more consistently in how we live. In other words, how might we improve upon our baptisms over this next year? Please join me in praying to this end for our church! I also invite you to pray for Dorothy O’Sullivan to one day confess Jesus as the Lord who delivers her from death and unbelief. What a gift it will be to be a part of this means of grace in her life!

In Christ,