** We will be going to 2 Services from April 28th - May 19th.
Our first service will be at 9 AM and will NOT have childcare provided.
Our second service will be at 10:30 AM and WILL have childcare.  


Communion Letter: February 26th

Communion Sunday Banner 2021

Dear Family at Christ Community,

     On Sunday, we who are clothed in Christ will be invited to the Lord’s Table to have our faith nourished by the Holy Spirit through Jesus’ offering of His body and blood. We will come to the table in response to Paul’s challenge to us to be gracious witnesses in Christ’s image from Romans 13:11-14. The elements from the table serve to remind us of the cost of our salvation through Christ’s crucifixion. They also remind us of our new life and mission gifted to us through Christ’s resurrection. As resurrected eternal beings, we must steward and cultivate the limited time and opportunities that have been entrusted to us for God’s glory and the life of the world. Timothy Keller in Romans 8-16 For You succinctly describes this paradox:

…we are to realize the brief nature of this life; the passing ephemeral nature of this world. We are to build our lives on eternal things, the things that last—truth, God, love, righteousness.”

We have been empowered to live in Christ’s likeness which hospitably invites others to come out of the darkness of sin and death into His marvelous eternal light restored to our Heavenly Father.

     As you come to the Lord’s Table this Sunday, take the time to cast off the works of darkness that serve only to selfishly gratify your fleshly desires. Put on the things of Christ through the fruits of repentance and the fruit of the Spirit. Pray for the Spirit to hospitably welcome others to taste and see the goodness of God through Jesus Christ! 

In Christ,
