** We will be going to 2 Services from April 28th - May 19th.
Our first service will be at 9 AM and will NOT have childcare provided.
Our second service will be at 10:30 AM and WILL have childcare.  


Communion Letter: November 13th

Communion Sunday Banner 2021

Dear Family at Christ Community,

     This week we will begin our Advent series in the Gospel of Luke. Luke tells us that he wrote his Gospel so that we would have certainty concerning the things we have been taught about God and the Gospel (Luke 1:4). As we will see, this means we should bring our doubts to God’s Word in faith, rather than hiding them in fear. 

     All too often, we feel as though the persistence of doubt or lack of assurance in our salvation disqualifies us from coming to the Lord’s Table. Yet we must remember that faith does not require the absence of doubt or the perfection of assurance. When shaken by doubt or lack of assurance, faith runs to God’s Word and the means of grace to receive what it needs to grow in Christ. Sinclair Ferguson reminds us of this in The Whole Christ: 

It is one of the wiles of the Devil to discourage the doubting believer from seeking fellowship, sitting under the Word, and coming to enjoy the gifts Christ has given to reassure us of his love for us. At such a time it is vital to remember that this, inter alia, is what the ministry of the Word and of baptism and the Supper are for. We ignore them to the peril of genuine assurance.

     As you prepare to come to the Table on Sunday, take time to examine your heart. Are you experiencing doubts or a lack of assurance that you’ve been ignoring or too scared to admit? Run towards God with these things to prepare yourself to receive the mercy and help you need at the Table. Finally, ask the Holy Spirit to help your heart recognize that just as certainly as the bread and cup will pass your lips, so also has Christ certainly given you Himself by grace alone and through faith alone for your eternal good and His eternal glory!

Yours in Christ,
Matt O’Sullivan