Communion Letter: September 11th

Communion Sunday Banner 2021

Dear Family at Christ Community,

     This Sunday we will gather at God’s invitation to participate in worship to be further shaped as redemptive instruments for His glory, our joy, and the life of the world. As part of our liturgy, we will hear from Romans 11:13-24 the call to mortify our pride to help cultivate our relationships with Him and those in our spheres of influence. Our salvation by God’s grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone ought to serve as a kindness to others to draw them to Him as Abba Father. Martin Luther captures God’s missional heart for His people in his Commentary on Romans when he writes:

Hence they, (the Jews), did not fall merely “to fall,” but rather that they should rise again, encouraged by the example of the Gentiles.

Again, how we live matters (and how we worship affects how we live)! The Lord’s Table will help nourish us to these ends. The bread offered will display God’s tenderness towards us in forgiving our sins through our judgment in Christ’s death. The cup freely given will boast of God’s kindness in granting us newness of life for eternity in Christ’s resurrection.  

     Please pray for the Holy Spirit to display God’s kindness to others through your salvation. Consider who you might hospitably pursue that would possibly benefit eternally from your friendship. Invite people into your life to behold God’s glory unfolding as you seek to mortify pride and all manner of other sins while also vivifying Christ in word and deed!

In Christ,