Key Truth: God desires that we present ourselves to Him as instruments for righteousness, as made possible only through His grace.
Q: Do we understand the grace of God shown to us in our salvation as signified in our baptism—as uniting us to Christ?
Grace enables us to be righteous:
Q: What is the purpose of our redemption—merely to free us from the penalty of sin, or to break its power over us so that we may walk in newness of life through God’s grace?
“We deserved to die for our sins. And in fact we did die, though not in our own person, but in the person of Jesus Christ our substitute, who died in our place, and with whom we have been united by faith and baptism. And by union with the same Christ we have risen again. So the old life of sin is finished, because we died to it, and the new life of justified sinners has begun. Our death and resurrection with Christ render it inconceivable that we should go back.”
John Stott, The Message of Romans
Grace compels us to put on righteousness:
Q: In what ways are we demonstrating that we desire to be holy, as God is holy, through grace alone in Christ alone?
“The love which a pious man bears to God and goodness, is not so much by virtue of a command enjoining him to do so, as by a new nature instructing and prompting him to it… [The Christian] prays and gives thanks, and repents, not only because these things are commanded, but rather because he is sensible of his wants, and of the divine goodness, and of the folly and misery of a sinful life… He who has given himself entirely unto God, will never think he does too much for Him.”
Henry Scougal, The Life of God in the Soul of Man