Jonah (Part 2): Running From God
May 11, 2014 Preacher: Sam Larsen Series: Jonah
Scripture: Jonah 1:1–1:17
Jonah 1:1-17
Key Truth : God’s call to mission is effectual.
I. The mercy of God extends to those most distanced from Him.
a. God’s mercy extends to those we casually encounter. (cf. the sailors)
b. God’s mercy extends to those we would prefer to avoid.
II. The purpose of God embraces all things.
a. God’s will orchestrates all his creatures and all their actions.
b. God’s will brings about his intended outcome.
III. The call of God to His servants is both holy and sovereign.
a. God hallows His Name among the heathen.
b. God demonstrates both justice and mercy to His own.

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June 15, 2014
The Sign of JonahJune 1, 2014
Transforming MissionMay 25, 2014
Invincible Grace