Let the Peoples Praise You, O God!
February 4, 2018 Preacher: Robby Baxter Series: The Missio Dei in the Psalms
Scripture: Psalm 67:1–7
Key Truth: God blesses His people so that we may spread His praise to all peoples in the worship of Him.
God’s Saving Power Among the Nations
Psalm 67:1-3
What are some ways in which the Lord has recently made His face to shine upon you?
“Christ gives Himself to His people to be all things to them that they need, and all things that make for their happiness.”
Jonathan Edwards,
Safety, Fullness, and Sweet Refreshment in Christ
God’s Guidance Among the Nations
Psalm 67:4
In what ways have you seen the goodness and justice of God’s guidance in your own life? What effect has this had on the way you think and talk about His commandments?
God’s Blessing Among the Nations
Psalm 67:5-7
In what ways has God blessed you with the material things of life? What effect does this have on the way you tell your story?
“We are drawn to seek God when we are told that our safety is treasured up in Him; we are confirmed in this when He declares that He takes a deep interest in our welfare. We need His gracious promise that He is a propitious Father, since there is no other way in which we can approach Him. So mercy and truth are closely linked in the Psalms. It would be useless to know that God is true, if He did not lovingly draw us to Himself.”
John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion
Psalm 67:1-7 teaches us that:
-God blesses us so that we may be a blessing to the nations.
-We will help the family of God to grow as we praise God for His guidance, justice, and provision.
More in The Missio Dei in the Psalms
February 18, 2018
A Truth Worth Sharing with the Generations: Great is the Lord and Greatly to be Praised!February 11, 2018
A Truth Worth Singing Before All the Earth: The Lord is Our Savior and King!January 28, 2018
A Truth Worth Sharing: The Depths of Our Sin, the Heights of God’s Mercy, and the Joy of Our Salvation