A Truth Worth Sharing with the Generations: Great is the Lord and Greatly to be Praised!

February 18, 2018 Preacher: Series: The Missio Dei in the Psalms

Scripture: Psalm 145:1–21

Key Truth: We should declare the glory of God and His mighty acts to both the coming generations in the Church and those of the world because of His redemptive goodness.  




What would most like to pass on to your children or coming generations within your family? What would you most like to pass on to the coming generations in general?


“So ends David’s contribution to the Psalter, on a note of praise which is wholly his own (21a), yet as wide as mankind and as unfading as eternity.”

Derek Kidner, Psalms 73-150



Commend the Lord’s Mighty Works to the Church’s Coming Generations:

Psalm 145:1-9: 

“David does not praise Yahweh as an isolated, existential man. He joins past worshipers and shares the responsibility of bringing up the next generation to know God and to submit to Him….The fact that this psalm stands before us witnesses to his executing this responsibility and to the continuing responsibility which we share with him.”
Donald M. Williams, The Preacher’s Commentary, OT, Vol. 14: Psalms 73-150


What are some ways that you are commending the Lord’s mighty works to the church’s coming generations?



Declare the Lord’s Redemptive Deeds to the World’s Coming Generations:

Psalm 145:10-21: 

“(God’s) glorious deeds ought to be known to all mankind; but yet few reckon such knowledge to be an essential part of education. As the State cannot teach these holy histories the people of God must take care to do it themselves. The work must be done for every age, for men have short memories in reference to their God, and the doings of his power.”

Charles Spurgeon, The Treasury of David, Vol. 3: Psalms 111-150


What are some ways that you are declaring the Lord’s redemptive deeds to the world’s coming generations?


Psalm 145 teaches us that because of God’s redemptive goodness we should:
- commend the Lord’s mighty works to the church’s coming generations
declare the Lord’s redemptive deeds to the world’s coming generations




Revelation 7:13-17