The Death of Death
March 29, 2020 Preacher: Chris Blackman Series: Advent & Easter: (Part 2) The Victorious Comings of Christ in John's Revelation
Scripture: Revelation 20:7–15
Key Truth: The final revelation of Christ's victory over the forces of Satan, sin, and death should encourage the church to maintain its testimony amidst the difficulties of living in a fallen world.
The Victory of Christ Over Satan
Revelation 20:7-10
Do you find yourself doubting God’s plan when it seems like Satan’s schemes have been let loose in the world?
"The defeat is sudden and dramatic. Fire descends and devours the hostile army of forces. Satan is cast into the 'lake of fire and sulphur' where the beast and false prophet have already been cast. The general judgment scene that follows includes a depiction of the dead (not just unbelievers) raised and standing before the throne (20:12). As in 4:2, the throne is described in terms calculated to emphasize the greatness of God. The throne of God is the ultimate answer to the problem of evil." - Derek Thomas, Let's Study Revelation
The Victory of Christ Over Death
Revelation 20:11-15
When you hear about the final judgment of God do you feel fear?
If so, is it fear for yourself or fear for your neighbor?
“The outstanding purpose of the judgment will be to display the sovereignty of God and the glory of God in the revelation of the final destiny of each person. Up to this time the final destiny of each human being has been hidden; now that destiny will be revealed, along with the faith each one had or did not have, the deeds each one did, and the life each one lived. In the publication of these deeds God’s grace will be magnified in the salvation of his people, and his justice will be magnified in the condemnation of his enemies. What is therefore central on the day of judgment is not the destinies of individuals but the glory of God.” Anthony Hoekema, The Bible and the Future
There are people in your life who need to know the glory of God's salvation in Christ.
To that end, who can you be praying for?
Revelation 20:7-15 teaches us that:
-Because Christ will reign in victory over Satan and death, we know this life is not the end of our story, but that Satan and death itself will one day be defeated, so we must persevere in the grace of God.
-The final judgment is a reality that should encourage us in the grace shown to us by God, motivate us to share the gospel with the lost, and move the lost to run to the throne of grace and seek God’s mercy.

More in Advent & Easter: (Part 2) The Victorious Comings of Christ in John's Revelation
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Come, Lord Jesus!: The Blessed Cry of Those Who Keep the Revelation of Jesus ChristApril 12, 2020
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