The Image of God

July 3, 2022 Preacher: Chris Blackman Series: The Image of God

Scripture: Genesis 1:26–31

Intro Question: What can we learn about the God of the Bible from the way he created all things?

Key Truth: We see God’s goodness in His careful design of all of creation and the image of God in all mankind.

I. What does the image of God tell us about God: A Caring Creator

“Hitherto God has been introduced simply as commanding ; now, when he approaches the most excellent of all his works, he enters into consultation. God certainly might here command by his bare word what he wished to be done: but he chose to give this tribute to the excellency of man, that he would, in a manner, enter into consultation concerning his creation. This is the highest honor with which he has dignified us; to a due regard for which, Moses, by this mode of speaking would excite our minds…Truly there are many things in this corrupted nature which may induce contempt; but if you rightly weigh all circumstances, man is, among other creatures a certain preeminent specimen of Divine wisdom, justice, and goodness, so that he is deservedly called by the ancients “a world in miniature.”

-John Calvin, Commentary on Genesis

Q: Why does it matter that we are made in the image of God?

II. What does the image of God tell us about humanity: A Cared for Creation