** We will be going to 2 Services from April 28th - May 19th.
Our first service will be at 9 AM and will NOT have childcare provided.
Our second service will be at 10:30 AM and WILL have childcare.  


An update from Pastor Barham.


Official Greetings to Our Christ Community Family,

I am humbled and excited to report to you that things went very well at the Northwest Georgia Presbytery Meeting on Saturday. The elders that were present from the various churches in the presbytery were very encouraging and supportive. I am looking forward to our church participating with them in glorifying God and loving our neighbors in this area.

I wanted to let you know what the general rhythms of the week will be for the staff at Christ Community so that we can better serve you and remain healthy in our calling as servants of the Lord. Please remember that our office hours are not the only hours in which we are engaging in ministry. Here are the office hours for each of us:

Cameron: Monday-Thursday 8am-5pm

Bonnie: Tuesday-Thursday 9:30am-3pm

Josh: Monday-Thursday 9:30-5pm (with music practice on Wednesday nights starting at 7pm)

Whitney and Matt: They do not currently have office hours given that they are part-time and have full-time jobs.

The following times will be blocked off to allow things to get done consistently:

Monday: 8 am-11 am: Sermon prep for the following Sunday (Cameron)

Monday: 1 pm-2:30 pm: Worship review and planning (Cameron and Josh)

Tuesday: 9:30 am-11 am: Staff meeting for prayer, planning, ministry, logistics, and review (Cameron, Bonnie, and Josh)

Tuesday: 11am-12:30 pm: Staff training and equipping (Cameron, Bonnie, Josh)

I have intentionally front-loaded the week to ensure that we are getting things prepared and done for the following Sunday and to allow for some make-up time if there is a ministerial need that comes up early in the week.

During office hours, I am available for office appointments in the afternoons Tuesday-Thursday from 2pm-5pm. If you need to meet another time, I am available for breakfast, coffee, lunch, or dinner Tuesday-Thursday and on Saturdays as available and needed. Please call the office at (770) 529-2600 or Cameron on his cell phone to make an appointment. You will need to give a purpose for your appointment so that we can make sure you are scheduled appropriately.

On our designated days of rest, we ask that you help protect us by contacting one of the other staff people, deacon, or an elder as appropriate to your need. This includes email, Facebook, and so on given that a huge part of resting and refreshment is unplugging from the varieties of media. We want to ensure that we all stay healthy and that we have time to enjoy the Lord, our families, and be refreshed. We also want to exemplify a Sabbath rhythm that you should practice as well in your lives.

Our days of rest will be:

Cameron: Fridays

Bonnie: Mondays

Josh: Saturdays

Matt: Saturdays

Whitney: Saturdays

If you have any questions or concerns about any of this, please talk with us or one of the elders to clarify.

We are praying for you. There are several things for which you can be praying for us:

1. Our house appraised much lower than we had hoped meaning that we will receive about $11,000 less than expected. Our friends are still going to buy our house after theirs sells. Pray for their house to sell quickly!

2. Susan is looking into a part-time job at the Crisis Pregnancy Center. This would serve as both a means of provision to alleviate the loss on our house and a source of missional ministry.

3. Our daughter Kimberly is in Valencia, Spain as part of the study abroad program at FSU. She is starting classes amidst enjoying her new surroundings. Pray for her protection, wisdom, and for the Spirit to provide godly influences.

4. Four Corners Church in Newnan and Strong Tower Fellowship in Macon are both looking for qualified men to serve as pastors. Pray for the Lord to provide for their need soon.

5. The Cuthbertson’s house in St. Louis is under contract. Pray that the inspection goes well and for a smooth sale of their home.

In Christ, Cameron


(478) 718-7957