Philosophy of Youth Ministry

Youth ministry at Christ Community Church focuses on discipleship. We believe that young people need opportunities to have fun and fellowship with their peers while also having meaningful relationships with adults who care about them. Most importantly, we believe that young people need to know Jesus Christ and His love, grace, and calling for them. Discipleship is where all of this comes together. Our focus on discipleship gives rise to three chief goals for our youth ministry:

  1. Giving students the opportunity to participate actively in the life, worship, and mission of the church
  2. Teaching students how to think and live as Christians
  3. Forming students’ character (heart, soul, mind, and strength) in all of life

Our youth ministry is led by Associate Pastor Matt O’Sullivan and a team of interns and volunteer youth leaders. Our youth leaders are all trained, background checked, and committed to serving God by making disciples of the next generation. Whether a student grows up at CCC or joins us further along in their student years, our prayer is that God would use our ministry to help them know His love for them and to grow in their love for God and neighbor! 

Please read on for an overview of our main events or head over to our calendar page to see upcoming events.
You can also contact Matt O’Sullivan
with any questions you have about youth ministry at CCC.

Sunday School

Middle School (6th-8th grade)

Time: 9:30 AM on 2nd & 4th Sundays
Location: Ben Robertson Community Center
Topic: Theological Foundations: A Study of the Westminster Shorter Catechism

High School (9th-12th grade)

Time: 9:30 AM on 1st & 3rd Sundays
Location: Ben Robertson Community Center
Topic: The Book of Job & Christopher Ash’s Trusting God in the Darkness

Youth Group Meetings

Our youth group meetings include student-led worship, study and discussion of Scripture, prayer, and time for fellowship and games. We have separate meetings for middle and high school students.

Middle School (6th-8th grade)

Time: 6:00 - 7:30 PM on 1st & 3rd Sundays
Location: Email Matt O’Sullivan for location
Topic: Sermon Discussion - We discuss the sermon from Sunday morning, focusing on three main questions: (1) What did you find interesting from the sermon? (2) What did you find confusing? (3) What can you apply this week?

High School (9th-12th grade)

Time: 5:30 - 7:30 PM on 2nd & 4th Sundays
Location: Email Matt O’Sullivan for location
Topic: Faith Seeking Understanding - This year we are learning how to wrestle with big questions about God, His Word, and His world. 
Dinner: Each student brings their own dinner so we can fellowship together during our meal.


We believe youth retreats are an excellent opportunity to disconnect from our devices and normal routines so we can enjoy a focused time of fellowship, worship, and discipleship. We have two retreats each year:

Fall Retreat: Open to 6th-12th graders and a gathering of students from the Northwest Georgia Presbytery 
Winter Retreat: Open to 9th-12th graders from Christ Community Church