Preparing for worship at Christ Community takes some time and thoughtful planning by the participant. The quality and result of our time in worship is not solely a result of what those who lead the service do. It is significantly impacted by what you do to prepare and participate.
1. Corporate worship grows out of personal worship. Therefore, the most fundamental preparation for Sunday worship is that which flows from presenting yourself as a living sacrifice to God (Romans 12:1-2) and having a broken and contrite heart (Psalm 51:1-10) as a result of your personal, family, and communal devotions and service in word and deed throughout the week. We provide materials for each sermon series and in preparation for the observance of the sacraments as well as a variety of discipleship and service opportunities to aid in this process.
2. A person’s heart must be expectant and receptive to hear the Spirit of God. Spend a brief time alone with the Lord before coming to church (Ps. 5:3; 27:3-4). Reflect on and remember God’s faithfulness to bless His people when they gather to hear His word.
3. You cannot receive the full impact of the worship experience if you are late which we recognize cannot be helped on occasion. However, if you are consistently missing a particular portion of the service you are communicating that certain elements of worship are unimportant. Wrap up conversations and plan to be in a seat at least 2-3 minutes before the worship service begins so as to avoid shifting the focus to you as you come in searching for a seat.
4. God is in our presence when we gather for worship; He constitutes us as a worshipping assembly (Hebrews 12:23; Genesis 28:17). Come, conscious and aware that God is present with us and expect Him to meet you and speak through His word in the power of the Holy Spirit.
5. Worship centers around the Word read, prayed, sung, preached, and heard, for the Word is God’s living voice speaking His will to us. Listen carefully to the Word presented throughout the service and participate with the other saints gathered where appropriate seeking to have both your heart and mind engaged. Be aware and seek not to call attention to yourself by engaging in distracting practices which would affect others to be engaged in heart and mind.
6. We do not come to worship primarily for what we can “get out of it.” We come for what God “gets out of it.” Though worship should be pleasing and enjoyable, do not expect to be entertained. Expect to offer and give your worship to God. Avoid banal flattery and senseless critique following the service. Seek instead to celebrate how God was glorified by how His word challenged and edified you.