** We will be going to 2 Services from April 28th - May 19th.
Our first service will be at 9 AM and will NOT have childcare provided.
Our second service will be at 10:30 AM and WILL have childcare.  


Baptism Letter: Dec. 22nd

Baptism Announcment Header

Dear Baptized Ones,

     This coming Sunday we have the privilege of being a part of Cornelius Kenneth Joseph’s baptism along with his parents Brianna and Kenny. At the conclusion of our text for worship in Revelation 6:17, the Spirit confronts us with the question of who can stand in the day of the Lord. The sacrament of baptism reveals the answer: it is those who have received the gift of Christ alone as Savior through faith alone by God’s grace alone. In being reminded of this truth, we have the opportunity to improve upon our baptisms by growing in our assurance of the finished work of Christ as eternally applied to our lives. This also affords us the ability to persevere as priests actively living out the Gospel of Christ in word and deed in God’s unfolding kingdom. Part of this priestly work will be to support Brianna and Kenny as they lovingly nurture Cornelius in the truth of God’s love. We will join with them in praying that he will someday profess the truths of Christ’s redeeming love signified in his baptism. We will also have the opportunity to teach Corey the Redemptive Story as his covenant community both directly through participating in our Children’s Ministry and indirectly by how we live out the call to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strengths as well as loving our neighbors created in God’s image. What a wonderful gift that God would entrust such meaningful work to us His people!

     As a baptized one, take time to reflect on the wonderful freedoms granted to you from shame, guilt, and fear as accomplished in the death of Christ. Meditate also on the gift of being invited into the eternal work of establishing a kingdom of joy and peace as the resurrection of Christ has been applied to your life. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you to grow in maturity as a disciple of Christ. Give thanks for these sacramental reminders of the great grace of God our Father who loves us and enjoys being present with His people in both work and worship!

In Christ,