** We will be going to 2 Services from April 28th - May 19th.
Our first service will be at 9 AM and will NOT have childcare provided.
Our second service will be at 10:30 AM and WILL have childcare.  


Baptism Letter: July 16th

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Dear Baptized Ones,

    On Sunday, we will have the occasion to reflect again on our baptisms as we witness Frances DeMar’s baptism. James and Catie confess in Frances’ baptism their faith in and need of God’s grace in raising their daughter. They trust that this means of grace will help cultivate Frances’ knowledge of God’s love and care for her as a covenant child. Though the sprinkling of water will not save her, it does convey the powerful truth of Christ’s passing through the waters of judgment to be delivered in the resurrection, thus breaking the bonds of death and sin for God’s children. Only the Holy Spirit can reveal to her the way to newness of life by faith alone through Christ alone in God’s grace alone. Pray for her to one day respond to the truth of her baptism and be adopted by her Abba Father.

    As you reflect on your baptism in preparation for Frances’ baptism, consider how baptism reflects the truth powerfully communicated in the Exodus event in the Old Testament. The Exodus story serves as a compelling reminder to the people of God of the Lord’s sovereignty and purpose for their lives. God responds to the cries of Israel and delivers His people from slavery and death in Egypt according to His grace. This redemptive exodus passes through the waters of judgment in the Red Sea to be delivered to worship in His presence on their journey to the Promised Land. God’s purpose in the Exodus was to be with His people and for them to enjoy Him. In the same way, baptism represents God’s faithfulness to respond to our cries by faith to be delivered from the bondage of sin and death to restore us to His presence through the death and resurrection of Christ. We are able pass through the judgment of death in union with Christ as represented by the water to embark on the new Exodus that ultimately leads to eternally dwelling with God in the new Promised Land of the new Heavens and Earth. What a gift that the Lord gives us in the sacrament of baptism to remind us of His desire to dwell with and enjoy us!

    Pray for the Holy Spirit to bring what Christ has sown on our behalf to fruition in our lives so that we might reap peace with and joy in the presence of the Father. Seek comfort in your assurance of pardon and newness of eternal life signified in baptism. Share the gifts you have received as a baptized one with those the Lord has sovereignly placed in your spheres of influence. Serve the coming generations in prayer and deed as you are gifted and called for the building up of and equipping of our covenant children to God’s glory.

In Christ,