** We will be going to 2 Services from April 28th - May 19th.
Our first service will be at 9 AM and will NOT have childcare provided.
Our second service will be at 10:30 AM and WILL have childcare.  


Communion Letter: June 9th

Communion Letter Pic


Dear Family at Christ Community,

     On Sunday, we will gather as family for whom the dividing wall of hostility has been broken down in Christ Jesus. While this doesn’t mean that we cease to struggle relationally, it does mean that true peace is possible through the person and work of Christ. He has granted us every means of grace and spiritual blessing necessary to be reconciled with God and with one another. This proves to be good news indeed as there are so many opportunities for offense and division between us. The table serves to remind us of the great cost of our reconciliation to God and with our neighbors as much as it depends on us. The broken bread consumed reflects the removal of shame and guilt so that we may love God and our neighbors boldly and sacrificially. The lavishly filled cup ingested signifies our indwelling by the Father, Son, and Spirit so as to walk out our transformation in Christ for the life of the world. These elements nourish us in our calling to serve the Kingdom of God as ambassadors of reconciliation. Timothy G. Gombis describes this calling  in The Drama of Ephesians: Participating in the Triumph of God:

…we must cultivate communities of restoration and reconciliation where there has been alienation, bitterness, and division. These sorts of pursuits are not merely to be part of our doctrinal statements or our official documents but must be our urgent priorities.

     Pray for the Holy Spirit to fan into flame a desire for restoration and reconciliation that will bring honor to Christ who saved you. Pursue restoration and reconciliation in patience and wisdom with those whom you have offended or been offended by. Build up and edify the saints around you for the glory of God. Praise God the Father for pursuing reconciliation with you His child through the person and work of Jesus Christ.

In Christ,