** We will be going to 2 Services from April 28th - May 19th.
Our first service will be at 9 AM and will NOT have childcare provided.
Our second service will be at 10:30 AM and WILL have childcare.  


Communion Letter: Oct. 14th

Communion Sunday TITLE Template

Dear Family at Christ Community,

     On Sunday, we will have the chance to remember God’s great love for us as displayed in the Lord’s Table. We will be invited to taste and see yet again the goodness of the Lord to us in and through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Just as Peter calls for the saints throughout the ages to remember the indicatives and imperatives of the Gospel of Christ in
2 Peter 1:12-15, we are invited by Christ, our Great Host, to come partake of the bread and cup in remembrance of the same. Paul Gardner captures this in 1& 2 Peter & Jude: Christian Living in an Age of Suffering:  

In instituting the Lord’s Supper, our Lord recognized this continual need that Christians have of remembering Christ’s work for us and the whole of the Gospel message. Let us never imagine that just because we are firmly established in the truth which we know, that we have arrived or that we can move on to other things at the expense of the very heart of the gospel. This is just what false teachers would have us believe. They will sell their teachings on the basis of ‘moving on’ or ‘going deeper’. To his readers, and to us across the centuries, who live so long after his departure, Peter says remember these things.

     The fullness of the Gospel of Christ is found in the sum of the parts of the table. The broken bread points back to the Christ’s body broken on the cross that blots out our guilt and shame for all of eternity. The overflowing cup points back to the fulfillment of all of God’s promises in the New Covenant as secured in the resurrection of Christ that grants us newness of life. Christ’s physical absence from the meal points to the right hand of the Father where He is seated both making intercession for us and preserving our eternal lives until He returns. The repetitive nature of the meal points us forward to Christ’s return when He will make all things new, and a greater, fuller celebratory meal awaits us. Take time this week to consider the Gospel of Christ in all its glory. May we all behold the fullness of the Gospel of Christ as signified and sealed in the Lord’s Table!

In Christ,
