** We will be going to 2 Services from April 28th - May 19th.
Our first service will be at 9 AM and will NOT have childcare provided.
Our second service will be at 10:30 AM and WILL have childcare.  


Communion Letter: Oct. 20th

Communion Letter Pic


Dear Family at Christ Community,

     This Sunday we will come to the Lord’s Table seeking the benefits bestowed by the Holy Spirit alone in Christ alone by faith alone through God’s grace alone as our worship centers on Joel 2:28-32. One of the many benefits of having the Holy Spirit poured out upon us in union with Christ is the transformation of the ordinary means of grace into supernatural mediums by which we grow in sanctification and maturity. John Calvin’s prayer in his Commentary on Joel secures this reality in words worthy of our consideration as we have our hearts prepared to receive the elements in the Holy Spirit: 

Grant, Almighty God, that since we want so many aids while in this frail life, and as it is a shadowy life, we cannot pass a moment, except thou dost continually, and at all times, supply through thy bounty what is needful, -- O grant, that we may so profit by thy so many benefits, that we may learn to raise our minds upwards, and ever aspire after celestial life, to which by thy gospel thou invites us so kindly and sweetly every day, that being gathered into thy celestial kingdom, we may enjoy that perfect felicity, which has been procured for us by the blood of thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

     Pray for the Holy Spirit to help you taste and see that the Lord has truly been good in providing Christ as represented in the broken bread for the just satisfaction of God’s wrath toward your sin. Pray also for the Spirit to empower you in the resurrection of Christ which provides you newness of life for the life of the world as reflected in the overflowing cup of Christ’s blood, shed for you. Seek opportunities to invite others into this newness of life through the forgiveness of Christ. Pursue the unity for which Christ died by forgiving offenses taken and seeking forgiveness for offenses you have given. Arrive hungry and hopeful in the steadfast love and faithfulness of God!

In Christ,