** We will be going to 2 Services from April 28th - May 19th.
Our first service will be at 9 AM and will NOT have childcare provided.
Our second service will be at 10:30 AM and WILL have childcare.  


The Pronouncement of God’s Judgment on the Nations, Part 2

November 3, 2019 Preacher: Series: The Prophecy of Joel: The Call to Repent & Hope

Scripture: Joel 3:9–16

Key Truth: God is our refuge and stronghold in Christ both in this fallen world and in the Day of the Lord’s Judgment.  



What comes to your mind when you hear God described as the Divine Warrior?



God’s Just War and the Deliverance of His People:

Joel 3:9-16

“A summons to judgment should terrify the unbeliever. (They) will be brought to account for all the wrong he has done. But for the believer in Christ, the valley of God’s judicial decision has been transformed into a door of hope. The one who trusts the Lord for (their) salvation already stands acquitted of his crimes, and awaits expectantly (their) entrance into glory.”

O. Palmer Robertson, Prophet of the Coming Day of the Lord: The Message of Joel


Who are you most afraid for in the Day of the Lord’s Judgment: you or someone you know that doesn’t know the Lord as their refuge and stronghold?



Joel 3:9-16 teaches us that:
-God is our refuge and stronghold in Christ both in this fallen world and in the Day of the
  Lord’s Judgment

“Grant, Almighty God, that as we are assailed on every side by enemies, and as not only the wicked according to the flesh are incensed against us, but Satan also musters his forces and contrives in various ways to ruin us, -- O grant, that we being furnished with the courage thy Spirit bestows, may fight to the end under thy guidance and never be wearied under any evils. And may we, at the same time, be humbled under thy mighty hand when it pleases thee to afflict us and so sustain all our troubles that with a courageous mind we may strive for that victory which thou promises to us, and that having completed all our struggles we may at length attain that blessed rest which is reserved for us in heaven through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”

John Calvin, Commentary on Joel




Revelation 21:3-4

More in The Prophecy of Joel: The Call to Repent & Hope

November 10, 2019

The Declaration of God’s Restoration of Judah

October 27, 2019

The Pronouncement of God’s Judgment on the Nations, Part 1

October 20, 2019

The Declaration of God’s Restoration of His People