** We will be going to 2 Services from April 28th - May 19th.
Our first service will be at 9 AM and will NOT have childcare provided.
Our second service will be at 10:30 AM and WILL have childcare.  


Communion Letter: Aug. 12th

Communion Sunday TITLE Template

Dear Family at Christ Community,

This Sunday we will have the privilege of partaking of the Lord’s Table.  The Table invites us to reflect upon the fact that we are the free sons and daughters of God.  In Christ, we are free from all condemnation, no matter what our present circumstances may be. We have been invited to feast upon Christ, who has been given all rule and authority, no matter what our present standing in the world may be.  God has lifted us up from the muck and mire of our sin and made us to share in the honor of His Son. The broken bread and the poured-out cup are the sign and seal of a greater reality than what we see. Our sin no longer has the final say, and our lives are hidden with the reigning Christ; so, we are free, gloriously free.

The Table also reminds us that we are free because we belong to God, or, as we will hear from 1 Peter 2:13-25, we are free to live “as servants of God.”  Just as Jesus came not to do His own will but the will of the Father to win His people for righteousness, so we too are given freedom not to do our own will but His in Christ. This is a very counter-cultural concept!  Yet, in the Table, we have the visible proof that our subjection to the Lord is our greatest blessing and freedom. He alone provided the way out from our slavery to sin, and in Him alone, we have new life that is free to pursue Him in joy.  We have truly tasted and seen that the Lord is good.

As we prepare to partake of the Table this Sunday, let us rejoice that we have been given the freedom to live as God’s people.  There is no power or authority over us that can ever prevent us from walking in obedience to Him and seeking Him as our greatest delight.  Let us also resolve, in reliance upon Him, to live as servants of God. May the bread and cup help us to see again that our only comfort in life and in death is that we belong to Jesus.  May we hold the things of this world loosely, living in such a way that He is revealed as worthy of all praise and trust.

In Christ,