** We will be going to 2 Services from April 28th - May 19th.
Our first service will be at 9 AM and will NOT have childcare provided.
Our second service will be at 10:30 AM and WILL have childcare.  


Communion Letter: February 4th

Communion Sunday Banner 2021

Dear Family at CCC,

     This Sunday we will have the opportunity to partake of the Lord’s Table as we continue in our study of the story of Esther. The Table will be an encouraging means of grace to us as we reflect on the contrast between foolish king Ahasuerus and our King Jesus. King Ahasuerus implemented a commodifying contest in pursuit of a queen, but our King Jesus emptied Himself and chose the way of service and suffering to make us His bride. In the commodifying mentality of king Ahasuerus and those like him, others must measure up before they are granted conditional favor. In the loving mentality of King Jesus, we are given grace and invited to His Table as a sign of His everlasting favor toward those who were once in rebellion against Him.

     The Table will also help us to grow in festivity, especially as we consider that it is but a foretaste of the great heavenly Marriage Supper of the Lamb and His bride, the Church. As we gather to partake of the bread and cup, ordinary as they may be in themselves, we are participating in something that makes us even more ready for the best and most joyous celebration that can be imagined.

     Reflecting on these things will help us to prepare to receive the bread and cup from the Table this Sunday with increased faith. Let’s ask the Lord to focus our thoughts on the utterly different way that Jesus pursued us to make us His bride. Let’s pray that the Spirit would convict us of the ways in which we are still tempted to commodify our relationship with Christ, trying to measure up to earn His favor instead of humbly receiving God’s grace as great gift. May the Lord use this means of grace to grow our affection for Jesus and our joy in all that God has done for us in Him!

In Christ,