** We will be going to 2 Services from April 28th - May 19th.
Our first service will be at 9 AM and will NOT have childcare provided.
Our second service will be at 10:30 AM and WILL have childcare.  


Communion Letter: January 21st

Communion Sunday Banner 2021

Dear Family at Christ Community,

     We will begin our Easter Season series in the book of Esther this Sunday. In Esther 1:1-9, we will encounter the first two of ten banquets that serve as the spine that holds the story together and helps move it along. These first two banquets reveal the garish celebrations of foolish King Ahasuerus who revels in his wealth and power as if he were truly in control of both. In the coming weeks, we will see how profoundly untrue this is given the reality of God’s sovereign providence.

     Consider the contrast with Jesus, the wise King, who lays down His life for His people and gifts us His power through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the banquets that serve as the throughline of His ministry. His earthly ministry begins in John 2:1-12 with a marriage banquet at Cana. As the good wine ran out, Jesus turns the water into the best wine possible for the sake of the master of the feast. It also signifies key hallmarks of the Kingdom of God: festivity and feasting. Jesus inaugurates the Lord’s Supper on the eve of His crucifixion to help His people remember and often celebrate His saving work accomplished for and applied to us. In the elements of the table, we’re invited to feast on our forgiveness from sin and His empowering us with resurrected newness of life. His applied victory over evil, sin, and death will be celebrated at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb where we will ALL dine together in His presence eating the greatest food we’ve ever tasted and drinking the finest of wines this world has not yet known (cf. Revelation 19:6-9). Week in and week out, we have the opportunity to celebrate this present and coming reality. Each week, God again invites us to the banquet of His Word to taste and see that He has been, is, and will be good to us His children.

     As you prepare for the Lord’s Table, consider how you can come and dine with greater festivity in celebration of the gift of eternal forgiveness and life more abundant. Seek to help those around celebrate by singing as those who’ve been delivered from death to life! Declare your agreement of Christ’s assurance of pardon with greater gusto as you say, “Amen!” Come prepared to celebrate as the beloved of God who is Creator and King!

In Christ,