Holy Spirit Filled Witness
April 8, 2018 Preacher: Robby Baxter Series: The Passion of Christ in the Gospel of Matthew
Scripture: Acts 1:1–11
Key Truth: The ascended Lord Jesus is present with His church through the Holy Spirit so that we might have power for obedience and look eagerly for His return.
The Risen Lord Jesus Speaks about the Kingdom
Acts 1:1-5:
What are some good things that you hope to see happen in your life? What do you long for in this world?
The Risen Lord Jesus Gives the Holy Spirit
Acts 1:6-8:
What causes you to feel powerless and overwhelmed? Whom do you to to for help?
The Risen Lord Jesus Will Come Again
Acts 1:9-11:
What causes you to remember that the risen Lord Jesus is coming again? What do you most look forward to about His return?
Acts 1:1-11 teaches us that:
- The Risen Lord Jesus has given us His Spirit to enable us to believe what He has spoken
- The Risen Lord Jesus has given us His Spirit to empower us to witness of Him to the world
- The Risen Lord Jesus will someday return in glory
1 Corinthians 15:50-58
More in The Passion of Christ in the Gospel of Matthew
April 1, 2018
Jesus, the Crucified, is Risen!March 25, 2018
Jesus Crucified, Dead, and BuriedMarch 18, 2018
Jesus Tried and Mocked as Savior and King