The Suffering Servant’s Satisfaction: God’s Delight in the Redemption of His People

April 14, 2019 Preacher: Robby Baxter Series: The Passion of Christ in Isaiah 52, 53, and 61

Scripture: Isaiah 53:10–12

Key Truth: God willingly crushed Christ upon the cross so that we would be built up in Him as His beloved people.




Where do you go to know that you are valued even when you are overcome by the recognition of your sin?  
Where do you go to find strength to live and be a help to others, even when you see your mistakes and your tendency to be indifferent about the things of God?


“You stand before God as if you were Christ, because Christ stood before God as if He were you.”

Charles Spurgeon, Justification by Faith



God’s Delight in Our Salvation

Isaiah 53:10-11 

In what ways does the Gospel shape your view of God?


...Isaiah could not have better expressed the infinite love of Christ toward us than by declaring that He takes the highest delight in our salvation, and that He rests in it as the fruit of His labors, as [someone] who has obtained his wish rests in that which he most ardently desired.”

John Calvin, Commentary on Isaiah  



The Strength of the Redeemed

Isaiah 53:12

In what ways does the Gospel shape your view of yourself?


“The Servant did not come to tell people what God wants; rather, He came to be what God wants for us.”

John Oswalt, Isaiah: The NIV Application Commentary




Isaiah 53:10-12 teaches us that:

-God willingly crushed His Servant upon the cross,

-so that we would be built up in Him as His beloved people.