Worthy is the Victorious Lamb, Slain for the Life of the World
December 15, 2019 Preacher: Series: Advent & Easter: (Part 1) The Victorious Comings of Christ in John's Revelation
Scripture: Revelation 5:1–14
Key Truth: We should yearn to know and participate in the consummation of the redemptive story in union with Jesus who is worthy of our worship as He is the victorious Lamb who was slain for the life of the world.
How important is the ending to how you view the story being told?
“Chapter iv recorded a vision of God the Creator. Now comes a vision of God the Redeemer, the Lamb who conquered through His death. The last chapter ended with a scene of worship of the Creator and this will end with the worship of the Redeemer.”
Leon Morris, The Revelation of St. John: An Introduction and Commentary
The Yearning to Know and Participate in the End of the Story:
Revelation 5:1-4:
“If the scroll stays sealed, the consequences are even more serious than the confusion of the churches. The opening of the scroll would be not only an act of revelatory disclosure but also an act of executive authority, carrying its edicts and actions. The things written in the scroll ‘must take place’ because they constitute God’s plan for history, culminating in the vindication of his servants and unchallenged establishment of his dominion on earth, as it is in heaven. The strong angel’s question is not merely Who is worthy to reveal God’s plan? but also Who is worthy to carry out God’s plan?”
Dennis E. Johnson, Triumph of the Lamb: A Commentary on Revelation
What most makes you yearn to know the end of the redemptive story?
What causes you to long to participate in the consummation of the redemptive story?
Worthy is the Victorious Lamb Who was Slain for the Life of the World:
Revelation 5:5-14
“Christian existence is lived out between the two realities of suffering and the kingdom. It reflects the suffering of the Lamb and anticipates the consummation of the kingdom through the conquest of the Lion.”
Graeme Goldsworthy, The Gospel in Revelation
What worth do you ascribe to Jesus as the victorious Lamb who was slain for the life of the world?
How is this reflected in you preparation for and participation in weekly congregational worship?
Revelation 5 teaches us that:
-we should yearn to know and participate in the consummation of the redemptive story
-Jesus is the victorious Lamb who was slain for the life of the world and is worthy of our worship
Revelation 7:15-17
More in Advent & Easter: (Part 1) The Victorious Comings of Christ in John's Revelation
December 29, 2019
The Suffering Church Triumphant in the Victorious Lamb Slain for the Life of the WorldDecember 22, 2019
God’s Merciful and Gracious Longsuffering for the Life of the WorldDecember 8, 2019
The First Heavenly Interlude