Archives for November 2022

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Communion Letter: December 4th

Dear Family at Christ Community, This week we will hear Zechariah's prophecy as he celebrates the birth of John the Baptist in Luke 1:57-80. Zechariah refers to Christ's first Advent as "the sunrise [that] shall visit us from on high to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death" (1:78-79). As we prepare to hear Zechariah's prophecy, it is frui...

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Weekly Confession: December 4th

Gracious and Merciful Father,We come before You toconfessour sin as Your redeemed and beloved children. May Your Spirit alone convict us of our sin and remind us of our pardon in Christ through repentance.Weconfessthat we oftenfail to serve You because we are shaped more by our fear of the world than by our faith in Your mercy (Luke 1:57-80).Weconfessthese things before ...

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Weekly Confession: November 27th

Gracious and Merciful Father, We come before you to confess our sin as Your redeemed and beloved children. May Your Spirit alone convict us of our sin and remind us of our pardon in Christ through repentance. We pause now to silently confess our individual sins before confessing together as a congregation from the text in Luke. We confess that we lack faith in the fulfil...

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Weekly Confession: November 20th

Gracious and Merciful Father,We come before You toconfessour sin as Your redeemed and beloved children. May Your Spirit alone convict us of our sin and remind us of our pardon in Christ through repentance.Weconfessthat we frequently fail to surrender to Your grace and submit to Your Word by faith (Luke 1:26-38).Weconfessthese things before You because You are faithful to f...

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Communion Letter: November 13th

Dear Family at Christ Community, This week we will begin our Advent series in the Gospel of Luke. Luke tells us that he wrote his Gospel so that we would have certainty concerning the things we have been taught about God and the Gospel (Luke 1:4). As we will see, this means we should bring our doubts to God's Word in faith, rather than hiding them in fear. All too ...

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Weekly Confession: November 13th

Gracious and Merciful Father,We come before You toconfessour sin as Your redeemed and beloved children. May Your Spirit alone convict us of our sin and remind us of our pardon in Christ through repentance.Weconfessthat we often hide our doubts in fear rather than bringing them to Your Word in faith (Luke 1:1-25).Weconfessthese things before You because You are faithful t...

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Weekly Confession: November 6th

Gracious and Merciful Father, We come before You to confess our sin as Your redeemed and beloved children. May Your Spirit alone convict us of our sin and remind us of our pardon in Christ through repentance. We confess that we often fail to engage with one another as those who have been made family by our union with Christ (Matthew 12:46-50). We confess these things ...

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