Archives for July 2023

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Communion Letter: July 30th

Dear Family at Christ Community, We will begin our new series, The Sacraments: Divine Invitations, this Sunday. Through Westminster Larger Catechism Q. 161, 1 Corinthians 3, and the Lord's Table, we will see that the sacraments are made effectual by God's grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. The earthen vessels by which He wisely chooses to declare this Gosp...

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Confession of Sin: July 30th

Gracious and Merciful Father, We come before you to confess our sin as Your redeemed and beloved children. May Your Spirit alone convict us of our sin and remind us of our pardon in Christ through repentance. We confess that we too often associate the power of Your means of grace with the person administering them (1 Corinthians 3). We confess these things before You ...

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Communion Letter: July 23rd

Dear Family at Christ Community, On Sunday, we will celebrate the Lord's Supper as we conclude our series in Romans with Paul's doxology in 16:25-27. He praises God for being able to use the preaching of the Gospel that appears to so many to be a foolish waste of time to strengthen the Roman saints as they share their faith in word and deed with their diverse neighbors....

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Confession of Sin: July 23rd

Gracious and Merciful Father, We come before you to confess our sin as Your redeemed and beloved children. May Your Spirit alone convict us of our sin and remind us of our pardon in Christ through repentance. We confess that we frequently lack attentiveness to the preaching of Jesus Christ so as to grow stronger in our faith (Romans 16:25-27). We confess these things ...

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Confession of Sin: July 16th

Gracious and Merciful Father, We come before you to confess our sin as Your redeemed and beloved children. May Your Spirit alone convict us of our sin and remind us of our pardon in Christ through repentance. We confess that we frequently fail to be wise as to what is good and to be innocent as to what is evil (Romans 16:17-23). We confess these things before You beca...

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Communion Letter: July 9th

Dear Family at Christ Community, On Sunday, we will gather together for worship to celebrate Jesus's Gospel as a beloved community that contributes to one another's growth and service in Christ. Paul details in Romans 16:1-16 many of those in the beloved community in Rome that have contributed to the Gospel's flourishing there and beyond. For each of us, I'm sure we c...

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Confession of Sin: July 9th

Gracious and Merciful Father, We come before you to confess our sin as Your redeemed and beloved children. May Your Spirit alone convict us of our sin and remind us of our pardon in Christ through repentance. We confess that we frequently fail to take time to appreciate the host of people involved in our flourishing in Christ (Romans 16:1-16). We confess these things ...

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